Tenants 411

Van Nuys Airport Special Event Requirements

Van Nuys Airport Special Event Requirements

Van Nuys Airport (VNY) requires the following to hold a special event at the airport:

Provide a Letter of Approval (LOA) from the master tenant.
Provide a Letter of Intent (LOI) from master or sub-tenant.
Secure a separate Insurance policy covering the event.
Receive a VNY LOA from the VNY airport manager.

LOA from master tenant

The LOA from the master tenant is a letter granting permission for the event to be held on master tenant’s leasehold.  This letter must be on company letterhead and addressed to the Van Nuys Airport Manager, Mr. Jess L. Romo.

LOI from master or sub tenant

The LOI from the master or sub-tenant is a letter to the airport manager which describes the event in detail and must be submitted for review a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to the event.   

Insurance policy

A special event insurance policy, or other approved insurance policy, must be obtained and submitted to Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Risk Management.

VNY LOA from VNY airport manager

The VNY LOA is a letter from the VNY airport manager approving the event.  This letter will be signed by the airport manager after the above requirements are met.  

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